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prijavnica za članstvo / membership form

Kako bi postali članovi naše koordinacije, potrebno se prijaviti putem prijavnice. Ona se nalazi ovdje u prilogu, pa vas molimo da ju popunite i pošaljete na adresu KZRH putem maila, faxa ili pošte


To become a member of our coordination, you need to apply through the application form. It is located in the attachment, so please fill it in and send it to the address of CSDC via email, fax or mail


Kliknite na ikonu lijevo i isprintajte pdf. Ispunite ga, vlastoručno potpišite i pošaljite na adresu KZRH, mailom, faxom ili poštom. Ako je moguće, obavijestite nas o slanju prijavnice.



Click on the icon to the left and print PDF. Fill it, self-sign it and send it to the CSDC address by e-mail, fax or post. If possible, let us know about sending the application form.

prijavnica za status ESD/AESD / application for ESD/AESD status

Ako smatrate da zadovljavate minimalne standarde koje propisuje ESDP za Europskog znanstvenog ronioca (ESD) ili Naprednog europskog znanstvenog ronioca (EASD), možete se privaviti na verifikacijski proces putem prijavnice. Ona se nalazi ovdje u prilogu, pa vas molimo da ju popunite i s pratećim dokumentima pošaljete na adresu KZRH putem maila, faxa ili pošte


If you belive that you satisfy ESDP minimal standards to become European Scientific Diver (ESD) or Edvanced European Scientific Diver (AESD) you can apply for verification process through the application form. It is located in the attachment, so please fill it in and send with other documents it to the address of CSDC via email, fax or mail


Kliknite na ikonu lijevo i isprintajte pdf. Ispunite ga, vlastoručno potpišite i pošaljite na adresu KZRH, mailom, faxom ili poštom. Ako je moguće, obavijestite nas o slanju prijavnice.



Click on the icon to the left and print PDF. Fill it, self-sign it and send it to the CSDC address by e-mail, fax or post. If possible, let us know about sending the application form.


Click on the icon to the left to view course information for our upcoming Scientific Diving Course in March and April 2015 at the International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar. 

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